Thursday, May 21, 2015

Adultery - Paolo Coelho

Title: Adultery
Author: Paolo Coelho
Publisher: Knopf
*This book has also been reviewed by me on Goodreads*

I was wondering for the longest time whether or not to review this book on my blog. When I first thought of making my own blog, I wanted to only comment on the books that I've liked, but I felt like I needed to tell you something about this specific waste of paper and ink, because if you buy it, it would be like throwing money into the wind.
I don't know how popular Coelho is in your country, but he is big in Bulgaria. During the summer of 2014 (when the book was published) I was still working at a bookstore. We received about a hundred e-mails and customer questions per day about the expected publishing date. I was wondering why to be honest, because the only other book of Coelho I've read is The Alchemist and I wasn't all that impressed with it.
Anyway, comes August 8th (the Bulgarian publishing date) and I go to work, finding a line of people going outside of the bookstore. I hurried inside and I saw piles and piles of copies of the book. I had never before seen so many copies of the same title in front of me. I was working at the register that day and sold over 60 copies (which for a small bookstore in Bulgaria is a lot) for less than six hours. At the end of my shift I took a copy home with me. I had to know what all the rage was about and also I had to know what I was selling.
The book began quite nice to be honest; romantic, even. This lasted for all of twenty pages and then it all went spiraling down so fast I got dizzy. My brow was furrowed in confusion over the absolute absurdity of this book. I couldn't for the life of me understand why someone would want to read this.
I thoroughly read more than half of the book, but I just couldn't harm my intelligence anymore, so I skimmed the rest. I was thinking about casting it aside for good, but I felt like I needed to be objective in my hatred.
The following day I brought the copy back to the bookstore and my manager asked me what I thought of it. All I did was look at her and she burst out laughing, telling me she was glad I was the one who picked it up to read, because otherwise she would have had to. (We had a policy to read all the new books that came to the bookstore, so that we can give an informative opinion. We separated the books among ourselves and then shared our opinion with the rest of the staff.)
I could honestly just sit here and tell you the plot using less words than I would to write my review. The writing style was atrocious and the vocabulary was below bar. The same word appeared on the same page seven times. No control of the language whatsoever.
If you see the review I wrote of this book on Goodreads, it is actually one simple sentence that states "If you have negative IQ, this is the book for you."
Disappointing to say the least.

Adultery on
Adultery on Goodreads
Paolo Coelho on Goodreads
The Alchemist on
The Alchemist on Goodreads


Unknown said...

You wrote: My brow was furrowed in confusion over the absolute absurdity of this book.

Yes, yes, and yes!! That is exactly how I felt while I suffered through the entire thing. I kept telling myself, "surely, the end must clear things up." Sadly, it did not.

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