About Me

Born on a surprisingly warm December day of 1993, I was my parents' Christmas miracle. Maybe this is why they gifted me with a name that translates into God's gift, but it is also a name no non-Slavic person can pronounce.
I started writing little poems for my family when I was six and began writing fiction at eight. (I wasn't really any good but you have to start from somewhere I guess.)
Growing up I read a lot, but it wasn't until I was sixteen when I decided that I wanted to pursue a career in book publishing and writing (I have improved since I was eight.) I graduated an English language high school and am currently on my way to completing a Bachelor's degree in English.
My book interests vary depending on my mood: one day I'd read a classic and the next I'll be reading a children's book. I have a soft spot for thrillers and mysteries and I have the paranoia I have developed from them to prove it.
I decided to make this blog because I wanted to share my opinion (which is quite critical) with more people. I believe that independent book reviews are more honest and can really help someone with their choice of literature. This is what this blog is all about.


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